Monday, December 3, 2007

Pep Talk> How to Sleep Better

Text by: Tanya Munshi
You wake up grumpy and irritable, with a heavy head and no mood to learn or take up a new task. It's not a hangover, its how you feel when you don't get your regular dose of sleep. Sleep has deeper, long term health benefits. So think before you stay up late often.

Benefits Of Sleep
  • Your brain shuts down its tasks of all its emotions, decisions and interactions. So when you wake up in the morning, you are fresh to handle a new day.
  • It helps you to deal with stress in everyday life.
  • It gives you energy and boosts your immune system.

Lack Of Sleep

  • It makes you less attentive in class/work as it directly affects your nervous system.
  • It can lead to poor memory and poor performance.
  • It can make you moody and irritable.

Develop Healthy Habits

  • Quit smoking and alcohol, as nicotine can disturb a normal sleep cycle.
  • Exercise daily for better blood circulation in your body.
  • Try not taking a nap during the day as this may disturb your sleep cycle at night.
  • Get a health check up done; maybe you're low on iron, vitamins and minerals. Taking multi-vitamins may help, but do consult the doctor first.
  • Drink water at least two hours before bed time. This will prevent you from waking up frequently to visit to the bathroom at night.
  • Never take sleeping pills, especially without consulting your doctor. In fact, it's best to do without pills.

How To Sleep Better

  • Try and maintain a regular sleep routine. Make it a point to hit the sack by a particular time daily.
  • Ideally, you should get 7-8 hours of sound sleep. If you don't get enough sleep one night, compensate it the next night.
  • Eat a light diner; this will prevent you from feeling uneasy and aid digestion.
  • Don't sleep immediately when you lie down. Practice relaxation and calming exercises. You could also listen to soothing music or read a light book.
  • Drink a glass of warm milk or warm water with a teaspoon of honey before going to bed. This will induce sound sleep. If you have a lot of tension then write them down in a book and sleep. This will prevent your worries from creeping into your sleep.

Published in, on May 2, 2007

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