Monday, December 3, 2007

Home> Style Tips for a Studio Apartment

Text by: Tanya Munshi
A studio apartment can be difficult to decorate, given there aren’t any real distinctions between the various rooms. But even a small den can be refurbished to have both comfort and style. You could hire an interior designer, which would be expensive and you may just end up with a factory product home. Or you could just do it yourself! Here are some tips on how.

Choose the right furniture:
o Cane, wrought iron and particle board furniture suit a studio best because these materials don’t look bulky and make a small room look spacious.
o Choose furniture you can put to multiple uses like a box bed with storage space inside.
o Studios may sometimes lack in privacy. You can place an antique book shelf or an elegant screen to separate your bed from the living room area and also look great. Place hooks behind shelves or screens to hang clothes. You could also attach a soft board to pin up notes, phone numbers and photographs to personalize your space.
o Alternatively, use one main piece of furniture that can have multiple uses. For instance, a single big cabinet can accommodate a TV, music system, a mini bar, books and other knick-knacks. The shelves can be used to keep clothes.

Decorate right:
o Even with a small space like a studio, it is possible to add personal touches rather than just keeping things functional. For instance, use a shoe cabinet as a table to keep your keys and a small potted plant to welcome you home.
o Avoid putting many pictures on the walls to avoid clutter. One large painting or poster shall do the trick.
o A studio can look messy very easily so avoid clutter like scattered laundry and magazines. Keep a cane basket for laundry and a small wrought iron stand for magazines.
o Use light-coloured curtains, letting the sunlight in, which will make the apartment look brighter and bigger.

And what do you know, you have adorned your studio with a brand new look!

Published in, on March 12, 2007

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