Text by: Tanya Munshi
- At night, powder the corners of your kitchen with boric powder. Cockroaches are allergic to this powder.
- Remove all the empty cardboard boxes if you have stored them in the kitchen. These are cockroach haunts. Since the boxes are porous and cool, it’s the perfect place for roaches to breed.
- Regular spraying of insect repellent in all corners during a kitchen spring-cleaning session, will keep these pests under control.
- Seal all broken and chipped corners in your kitchen. These are insects’ favorite places of breeding and hiding.
- Place dry red chillies – 2-3 of them in the rice jar. This will prevent rice insects from infesting the rice.Once or twice a week, place all the pulses on plates and place them in the sun. It will destroy tiny insects and drive most of them away.
- I have heard that lizards are allergic to calcium. Don’t know who said that. But as the old wife’s tale goes – place clean empty eggshells on corners or top of the shelves. Lizards are known to flee from the kitchen.
- Apply toothpaste on a cotton wool and place them in the corners of your kitchen. I don’t think lizards will like that either.
- Keep 2-3 cloves in the sugar jar to keep ants away.Get a regular pest control done for your entire house.
- As soon as you drop any food item, clean immediately. This will prevent ants from getting attracted to the kitchen.
- Use airtight containers at all times. Certain spices and pulses are best stored in the fridge.
Regularly get your waste bin cleared. - Close the bin at night, as that’s the hot spot for pests.
Published in CookingGoddess.com, on April 29, 2007
Link: http://www.cookinggoddess.com/category/Kitchen-Couture/Keeping-Kitchen-Pests-at-Bay/
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