Text by: Tanya Munshi
In life, we are bound to meet annoying people or land up in frustrating situations. In such cases, keeping a tab on our emotions helps us to handle life more responsibly. Anger can be manifested in three ways, by expressing it, suppressing it and by calming down. But when none of these manifestations work, maybe it’s a good idea for you to chalk out an anger management regimen.
Acceptance Is Important: Remember, you cannot control every event, place, situation or person in the world. Things are bound to go wrong, but life still moves on. You have to realize that you cannot always express your anger and not always have things go your way.
Tire Out: When you feel the mercury rising, it’s best to indulge in something that is physically exerting. Go for a jog, a swim, gym work out or play a sport. This way, you vent your anger in a positive manner.
Deep Breathing: Deep breathing, especially through yoga, has amazing effects on anger. That’s why it is highly recommended that when angry, count till 10. Breathing slowly while counting 10 helps in clearing negative thoughts that cloud our mind, which in turn helps us think clearly.
Laugh it off: Use humor to handle situations/people who are beyond your control. There is a fine line between humor and sarcasm. There is no need to hurt someone else just because you’re angry. You’ll be surprised to see how much work can get done with a simple smile on your face instead of a bout of nasty anger.
Forgive And Forget: Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can gift yourself, especially during trying times. Easier said than done, forgiveness releases pent up anger and frustration, which in turn can help you in dealing with difficult situations.
Published in Tips4me.com, on October 16, 2007
Link: http://www.tips4me.com/tips/inspiration/others_main.asp?file=/tips/focus/focus.htm
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