Artwork By: Tanya Munshi
Artwork Copyright: Tanya Munshi
Text By: Tanya Munshi
You need not trek up to the Himalayas and sit in complete isolation to attain nirvana. If you want to relax and control your mind, you can do it in your room, at work, where ever you wish. Just a little bit of patience and practice is all it takes. Here are some tips to help you sharpen your meditation skills that will in the longer run you in taming your mind.
Preparation And Timing
• To meditate, you need to be alert, energetic, and awake to be able to concentrate.
• Mediation should be performed on an empty stomach. Or have something light like a cup of tea and a biscuit just before. At least this will prevent your stomach from growling and won’t distract you during meditation. Avoid eating anything heavy to prevent sluggishness during meditation.
• Always sit in the early morning hours, right after waking up and brushing your teeth. The ideal time for meditation is before breakfast in the morning or before dinner in the evening.
• Fix a time for meditation daily. Disciplines such as fixed timings also prove beneficial for meditation. Choosing a time when no one is going to disturb you also helps. Make it a point to meditate at the same time and place everyday.
• It is very important to sit straight. Sluggishness and slouching won’t help even if you religiously sit down for meditation every day.
• It is very important to sit straight. Sluggishness and slouching won’t help even if you religiously sit down for meditation every day.
• If the traditional padmasana pose is not possible then sit in the usual crossed legged position, with your hands resting on your knees and your back straight.
Practice And Patience
• Be regular with your meditation. If you did not get the time to mediate in the morning, then try and compensate it in the evening.
• You can even meditate during stressful times at work or class. All you need to do is close your eyes and concentrate on slow, deep breathing.
• Remember, your mind WILL wander during meditation. But it is a part of the meditation process. Whenever you find your mind wavering, slowly bring it back to concentrate on your breathing. This will sharpen your concentration and meditation abilities.
• Be patient with yourself, even if you cannot concentrate immediately. But don’t stop your mediation; practice it daily.
Published in, on July 23, 2007 Link:
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