Friday, January 11, 2008

Pep Talk!> Prayer and You

Image: Visit by a Butterfly!
Art Work by: Tanya Munshi
Artwork Copyright: Tanya Munshi

Text by: Tanya Munshi
The definition of prayer between two people will always be different. For one it maybe spending hours in a holy place, while for another a fifteen minute quick prayer is just enough. It does not necessarily mean that you have to spend long hours in prayer to get through to God. He can hear us anyway, long or short prayer. To put it simply, it’s like making a call to God and having a long conversation or a short one, depending on your need or state of being.

Prayer As A Tool
It is not to say that you use prayer to gain something. Prayer like we mentioned is to get through to God and speak our minds and hearts out. Seeking forgiveness, need help, feeling lost, need answers? That’s when you sit down in a quite corner, close your eyes and talk to Him in your mind - this is prayer. Prayer is also a tool to convey your thanks to God. Prayer is a part of your connection with God, where you cannot lie. You need to be absolutely true to yourself and to Him. Come on, why do you have to keep things away from Him? He is all knowing and ever forgiving.

Why Should We Pray?
Somehow or the other, prayer definitely helps us. It’s like a tonic that keeps us going. Prayer keeps us grounded in life; it gives us strength. Even if we cannot see God, we know He’s watching over us. Prayer reinforces His presence in our lives. Remember the saying, ‘the family that prayers together, stay together’; it’s a great way of bonding with our family. Even in the worst phases of our lives, when we feel like blaming God or don’t want to believe in Him anymore, we can pray to Him telling Him how we feel. He listens and with time, He’ll give the answers.

Benefits Of Prayer

  • It helps in time of depression and illnesses by giving the person strength to move on and heal.

  • It makes a person more positive in life, knowing that God is going to take care of him/ her.
    By confessing one tends to lighten the burden of guilt from his/her heart.

  • One can seek forgiveness that helps in forgiving oneself and others.

  • It improves the quality of a person’s well being.

Published in, on August 13, 2007

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