Image: An Artist's Paradise
Artwork By: Tanya Munshi
Artwork Copyright: Tanya Munshi
Artwork By: Tanya Munshi
Artwork Copyright: Tanya Munshi
Text by: Tanya Munshi
Diary writing is an under-rated cathartic experience that truly helps explore one’s emotions and make sense of one’s life. Most people use a diary merely as a daily planner, jotting down their life’s daily mundane events. But a diary can be used for a lot more.
Book Of Positives
Use your diary as a book of positives, in which you write only the good things that you have come across in life. For instance, the birth of a baby, praise from your teacher, a funny conversation that you overheard while travelling in the bus. This will train you to focus on the positive side of your life and put you in a happier mood even as you write. Use bright colours, paste your favourite comic strips on it, inspirational poems etc. Once done, this book will make you smile every time you flip through it.
Book Of Worries
A book of worries is only meant for worries; for instance, a fight with a friend or anything emotionally disturbing that you cannot share with anyone else. Simply writing about a disturbing event will help you vent it out. With every worry that you write, keep a space to write down a solution later on. Always write the date, day and month as it will help you go back in time to recall what had happened and how you solved the situation.
Book Of Ideas
A book of ideas is for all those bright Einstein moments in life. You thought of a new art and craft idea or a new shade for your bedroom wall – all that goes into your book of ideas. Sketch your ideas, stick pictures, whatever you like. Later, flip through it and see how many can be executed and how many were just plain creative genius!
Published in, on November 13, 2007
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