Text by: Tanya Munshi
In this fast-paced life, kindness is often forgotten. Kindness is the simplest emotion as humans that we can offer to a person, an animal or a plant. But did you know being kind is also good for you, not just the person you are being kind to?
Being kind to someone boosts your self-worth and makes you feel important. Positive acts like kindness generate a sense of well being, or the ‘the feel good factor’, which in turn uplifts your spirits and keeps you optimistic.
Staying happy boosts your self esteem. Being happy in turn reduces stress levels in your body. This in turn helps you to stay healthy since being happy boosts your immune system.
Since stress is the root cause for several illnesses, sheer kindness can drive the stress and tensions away. Kindness is the cure for depression. Once depression is removed, other health problems like eating disorders, ulcers, acidity and sleeplessness all go away.
Published in Tips4me.com, on July 23, 2007
Link: http://www.tips4me.com/tips/inspiration/others_main.asp?file=/tips/horizon/hori.htm
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