Monday, January 28, 2008

Home> Jazz Up Your Wall

Text by: Tanya Munshi
Does the hole in your pocket curb your urge to redesign your room? Here are some simple ideas and tips to give your room a new look by just re-decorating a wall.For a classy look, paint one wall with your favourite colour. Now use this wall as a palate and add whatever you think will spice up that room. For that, begin with a theme. Here are some examples:

Memories: Collate all your black and white childhood photographs. Select the most memorable ones and make a collage out of them on a large white paper and get it framed with a black border.

Props: To make a wall look lively, add masks, a musical instrument like a guitar, hats or antique items.

Posters: Get hold of old classic movie posters. Frame them in basic wooden frames and hoist them up on the wall.

Rustic: Been to a rural location lately? Make sure you collect absolutely rudimentary tools or craftwork prepared by the village locals. Hoist them up on your wall to give a rustic effect.

Elegant: Got some of your mother’s old bone china plates and you don’t want to use them for fear of chipping them? Get hooks and adorn your wall with these beautiful plates for an elegant touch.

Published in, on November 19, 2007

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